AG Christ
Name: PD Dr. med Torsten Christ
Clinic/Institute: Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology
Research Focus and Main research questions
Main interest is the regulation of action potentials and force by ion channels in human heart tissue, special focus is on atrial fibrillation and heart failure, regulation of cardiac activity by β adrenoceptors and ion channel blockers. We measure ion currents in isolated cells, action potentials and force in intact tissues. We want to investigate to what extent electrophysiology in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CM) resembles those in adult human heart. In close collaboration with AG Eschenhagen, AG Carrier, AG Hansen and AG Stenzig we use hiPSC-CM as a model to study relevant cardiac pathologies. Intense interactions with AG Nikolaev in the field of phosphodiesterase dependent regulation of responses to β adrenoceptor stimulation and with the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and Department of Cardiology (Electrophysiology).