Our Program

Supervision and Thesis Commitee

All HSII doctoral students, together with their direct supervisor, nominate two additional people for co-supervision. These people should be at least partially HSII faculty but outside of their own institute.

At least once a year, a co-supervision meeting is held with both co-supervisors on the progress of the project. The place and time is organized by the PhD students themselves. The Thesis Committee proposes agreements for the next 12 months and, if necessary, the submission of the dissertation.

Lectures, Courses and Credit Points

Over the course of the three-year program, doctoral students will earn 180 credit points of which 150 credit points are for the dissertation and 30 credit points are for accompanying courses. The credit points are based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

Students will attend specific courses offered by the HSII, take part to the iPrime lecture series (once a month) and join the courses of the Academy of Biomedical Health Sciences (ABHS) Good Scientific Practice, Presentation Skills and Writing Skills.

In addition, the students will attend project reports (once a week), Journal Clubs (starting from the 3rd semester) and practical lab courses. The attendance of at least one international meeting, summer schools or conference during the PhD work is highly encouraged. On average students are required to attend one appoitment per week. The rest of the time will be spend working on their own PhD project.


As part of the HSII supervision agreement, student funding is guaranteed for the duration of the project, with a probationary period of six months.

Enrollment to the PhD Program at UKE

HSII students are required to enrol to the PhD Program at UKE. Deadline and information can be found here .

Contact and Information

Program Coordinator: Dr. Cristiana Cicoria +49 (0) 40 7410 - 56622 or hsii@uke.de